A periodic blog on matters political.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Catholic bishops' double standard - Nancy Keenan and Jon O'Brien - POLITICO.com

An excellent piece. The key quote: "The bishops have a long history of almost unlimited access to enormous quantities of federal funding. When it comes to funding for Catholic schools and hospitals or programs run by Catholic Charities, they accept federal funding with open arms. The bishops never question their own ability to lawfully manage funds from separate sources to ensure that tax dollars don’t finance religious practices."The Catholic bishops' double standard - Nancy Keenan and Jon O'Brien - POLITICO.com

Friday, November 06, 2009

U.S. Readies Jobless Aid and Help on Homes - NYTimes.com

The bill passed contains $2.4 billion for unemployment benefits -- and they still dont go into next year -- and over $10 billion each for business tax cuts and home buyers credits. U.S. Readies Jobless Aid and Help on Homes - NYTimes.com